
Featured Today at the Dawgtion: "Journey Under Glass", Autographed First Edition

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Journet Under Glass.jpg

10th and final lot!

“Journey Under Glass” (Penumbra Press, 2004). “If nothing is constant but change, then everything for the marvelling consciousness is a journey, a process of transformation in which we may choose to drift or, if we are possessed of luck, vision, foolhardiness or desperation, try to set our own course. These poems are the trace of one, or more than one, such voyage.” Personally autographed by John Baglow for the successful bidder.

Place your bids in the comments below, with a $1.00 minimum for each increasing bid. Bidding will close April 15 at noon (12h00 Pacific Time) No bid received after the closing time will be accepted.

Don’t forget to check out the earlier lots!

Items will be shipped, postage paid, upon receipt of payment at the indiegogo site specifying the item number, or upon receipt of a money order or certified cheque.

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This page contains a single entry by Balbulican published on April 14, 2015 7:00 AM.

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